China girl stole - humiliated and striped naked in school uniform

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There is this video of 9 minutes circulate online, showing a girl is striped to naked. She is in school uniform has no facial expression. She strip to naked 3 times, and just follow the instructions give by others willingly. WFT News think seems like she did something wrong. There are guys and girls around, and the one taking video is very careful, so that no others is being recorded in the video.




“施暴”的几个学生从头到尾都没有露脸。画外音显示,周遭同学中有男有女,他们的对话里说,别让自己的脸 出现在镜头中,要把这个女学生的视频放到网上,让“麻勒佬”(粤语,色鬼的意思)一起观看。“拍片的人 很小心……”从视频上可以大致判断出,旁边有包括男同学在内的4、5个同学。由于论坛删贴较快,这段视频并没有在论坛中引发热度,不过由于该视频可以通过 网络下载,不少网友通过此方式在私下广为流传。

Singapore News Reporter no wearing bra on TV?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

As reported in Sina news and WTF News, this Singapore MediaCorp Channel 8 news reporter 王征 is not wearing bra during the news reporting, and the nipple can be seen easily. Frankly speaking, from the photo is not that obvious.

新传媒美女主播週五(3月26日)晚上报6点半新闻时,被网友拍下疑似“激凸”的画面!有眼尖的网友週五傍晚在看8频道的《狮城六点半》时 ,发现当时的新闻主播王征胸前两点疑似激凸。

  网友立即将这个消息上传到了本地著名的网络论坛 WTF News,结果引起其他网友的热烈讨论。一些网友甚至马上去扭开电视机,亲眼证实这名女主播是否真的凸点,之后还回到网络论坛加以肯定。

  为了方便一些错过新闻的网友,这些调皮的网友也立刻截图和上传相关的视频到著名的视频共享网站。WTF News 记者看週五傍晚的新闻节目,王征当时穿著一件粉红色的衬衫,右边胸前的确有突出的一点,隐隐可见,而新闻全程持续可见。

  有的网友指出王征当时可能没有穿胸罩,结果造成激凸的现象,有损主播的专业形象。不过,也有网友力挺她王征,为她辩护。WTF News 他们指出她是穿了没有“护垫”的胸罩,而不是没穿

Father rape god daughter by cheating bring her to watch Korea Drama

Monday, March 29, 2010

This 15 year old girl is raped by her best friend father, who is also her god father, which is 30 year old plus. He cheats her that will bring her to see Korea drama, then trick her to hotel and rape her 3 times, and even force her to oral sex on the car afterwards. He is POWERFUL! How he manages to do 3 times continously?


少女被拐往怡保時,暗中發短訊向家人求助,讓家人掌握她的行蹤,並把她救出;而嫌犯在東窗事發後逃脫。 消息說,嫌犯於週二上午9時30分聯絡住在蒲種的受害者,邀她出來看韓劇,卻帶她去逛街。然後在下午5時左右以要拿東西和送她最新的韓劇為由,把帶她到蕉賴地區一間酒店。

嫌犯趁受害者使用手提電腦看韓劇時,使用暴力制伏她,前後強姦她3次。 受害者過後跟著嫌犯去怡保,途中又被逼在車內為對方口交。 受害者暗中發短訊通知家人,家人才成功掌握他們的行蹤,並於隔天清早7時趕到怡保,趁他們用早餐時把她救出。而嫌犯則趁亂逃脫。

Young couple like to sex at Tomb

Sunday, March 28, 2010

This pair of young couple, like to sex at tomb. But because the girl is only 15 year-old, so her parents decide to report to the police, though the girl is enjoying that with her boyfriend.





Singapore first incest - daughter sex with father willingly

Saturday, March 27, 2010

This is the first case of its kind, at least on the court, a woman was charged in a district court on Friday with allowing her father to have sex with her. The 22-year-old technical executive is alleged to have committed incest willingly in the master bedroom of a flat in Serangoon in April 2008. Her 46-year-old father was supposed to have been charged but he failed to show up. Read more at newspaper.

Singapore young girls tricked for sexy photos though can be model

Friday, March 26, 2010

Singpaore young girls like to be model, but being tricked to take sexy photos with just underwear, and then the photos being posted online, as reported in the Singapore local newspaper.

The guy usually make use of the model website, find those girls that liek to be part time model. Once he find the girls is pretty, then will ask them to take off their clothes and take some sexy photos without the girls knowing it.




在受害者不知情下 录下少女性感画面





New Singapore local home made sex video

Thursday, March 25, 2010

As reported in the newspaper, a guy is buying his ex-mistress maid to install a pin hole camera, to secretly came the sex video of his ex-mistress sex with her husband. And the guy now says want to distribute the video online.

5 years ago, this girl first know the guy at a disco, and accidentally she pregnant. But last year, she get married and break out with the guy. So the guy is not happy. Reader always bring you interesting news.

不甘情婦帶私生女嫁人,裝修商買通情婦的女傭,在她房內裝針孔攝影機,偷拍前情婦跟老公的性愛錄像帶。聲稱被偷拍的情婦陳女士(30多歲,美容師)說,商人還恫言要把性愛錄像帶放上Youtube 公開。






Young PRC girl dies NAKED at Sentosa Cove luxury house

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This morning, a young pretty and good figure 20-year old girl from mainland China is found dead at Sentosa Cove private swiming pool. She works at a famous KTV, and know this rich guy. Though they only meet for the first time, but they chat very happily and the guy invited her go to his house. Seems like Singapore is losing one foreign talent.

圣淘沙千万豪宅升涛湾,今早发生命案。一名年轻漂亮,身材娇好的中国女郎,被发现死在豪宅的私人泳池内。 《联合晚报》报道,发生命案的豪宅位于升涛湾(Sentosa Cove)海洋通道,男屋主是一间房地产投资顾问公司的总裁。


Young girl force to strip naked video circulate online

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This Malaysia young girl, seems like she sleeps with some powerful girl's boyfriend, end up she was being attacked by a group of girls. And she was triped to half naked as her bra is off. They even try to tear her skirt off. And the video is now circulating online, with some snap shot as shown above. This is brough to you by WFT News Reader.






High school girls ordered to be naked for medical checkup for exam

Monday, March 22, 2010

These high school students, they were being ordered to be naked for medical checkup, such that they can sit in for the exam. They were all being check in a group in one big room, for their private part. And the female students is being checked by male doctor.










那麼,福州高考體檢真的必須全裸檢查嗎?記者採訪了福州市高考體檢另一家指定醫院─── 福州市一醫院體檢中心主任李育才。




省教育廳和衛生廳昨日也聯合下發 《關于進一步規範高考體檢有關工作的緊急通知》。通知說,近日有學生反映某醫院在進行高考考生外科胸腹部檢查時,個別醫生沒有很好掌握體檢有關注意事項,隔離措施不到位,出現數人同在一間體檢室脫衣體檢,引發考生不滿。


The video that Ris Low screw who molest her

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The sexy Miss World Singapore Ris Low is reported being molest at a taix station, where someone pull her dress down and because she is braless, so her two points is being shown. She wrote on her blog:

Then Lao Niang got molested! Son of a bitch kanninabuchaocheebye! He pulled down
my tube in front of a taxi stand queue la! I told him off and he ran away.
Regret keeping that kick I have from Muay Thai. Sigh.
Lets see how she screw the guys who molest. But she says she doesn't like to wear bra, so sexy, of course guys can't stand it and will molest her.

根據《(新加坡)聯合晚報》披露的新聞報導指出,前世界小姐劉依敏(Ris Low)在計程車站被人扯下露肩黑色連身裙,兩點盡露,手還被抓到淤青,痛哭報警!

17日,劉依敏(20歲)在部落格當中申訴,自己本月16日(星期二)晚上,在計程車站等男友時,突然被一名30多歲的男子衝過來,扯下她的黑色露肩連身裙子(Tube Dress)!由於,她當時沒穿胸罩,結果兩點盡露,左手還被男子抓到淤青。


劉依敏接受本報記者訪時說:『當時我在「Park Mall」購物中心的德士站等男友,就注意到排在我前面的男子一直盯著我看了5分鐘,剛我開始不理會他,沒想到他突然轉回身牢牢抓住我的左手,然後叫我親吻他,接著他就扯下我黑色的裙子,害我當場走光。』




沒穿胸罩習慣 第二次遭襲胸





網上自製短片 責罵歹徒非禮




69 yr-old man hypnotize over 40 young girls and rape them

Friday, March 19, 2010

This 69 year-old American guy has a powerful skill, he knows how to hypnotize, and over the years, he has raped over 40 young girls, the youngest is just 10 year old. Got so powerful skill? Where to learn? He must go bank and get more money!





Dubai jail couple for SEXY sms

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Steamy text messages have resulted in a three-month jail sentence for an Indian man and an Indian woman in Dubai. Judges ruled that they had planned to "commit sin", a reference to an extramarital affair - which is illegal in the United Arab Emirates.

The unnamed pair, aged 47 and 42, were working as cabin crew for Dubai's Emirates airline. Their "sexy texts" first surfaced last year, in a divorce lawsuit by the woman's estranged husband.

PRC student in Singapore part time KTV Oral Sex Video online

This custmoer to one Singapore KTV, get this student claimed to come from China, who is working part time KTV, and drive her to a toilet have some quicky oral sex, cost him SGD 300! Seems like expensive, but with the video taken, and shared by all of you, maybe his money is well spent. Where to find the video, as usual, the Gutter!

6 thieves gang rape girl in front of her husband after break in their house

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

8 thieves enter this house at Johor Bahru to rob, but see the female owner and get horny, 6 of them gang rape the female owner IN FRONT OF HER HUSBAND. She is only 20 plus year old and still a student. This news is bring to you by And very fast, the police capture 22 suspects! Wow... 22, this is nearly 4 times the exact number. In another case, a teacher is nearly raped by security guard. Check out more rape news in Malaysia.

8名匪徒闖入住屋打搶,見女屋主色心大起,結果慘遭至少6匪輪姦,警方迅速展開行動,逮捕22名嫌犯歸案!You read this from 這起事件是上月28日,清晨6時,在江加埔萊一間雙層排屋發生,女受害者年約20餘歲,目前尚在本地一所大學求學,與年齡相近的丈夫與孩子住在上述地點。

據瞭解,事發時,受害者的丈夫起床準備進行祈禱,未料卻發現8名匪徒從屋後一扇未鎖上的窗口,潛入造案。 據悉,匪徒進入屋子後,直接從廚房取得幹案武器,吵雜聲驚醒女受害者和年幼的孩子。 Again from 未料,匪徒見到女受害者,動了歪念,在受害者丈夫面前將她拖拉上樓,還將她五花大綁;受害者苦苦哀求匪徒放了她,惡匪竟開始對她拳打腳踢,並以其性命威脅。受害人丈夫見狀,試圖反抗不果,反遭毒打一遍,受害者最終遭至少6名匪徒強暴。

較後,匪徒在屋內大肆搜括,搶走一些現金和電器後,即逃之夭夭;男屋主立即把遍體鱗傷的妻子送院治療及報警。 據瞭解,警方在事發後逮捕3人助查,惟莫達今日證實,已捉拿22名涉案者,以調查此案。

另一方面,日前,一名老師於晚上7時45分在金山園一帶獨自步行,碰上好色的保安人員,險遭強姦。 據悉,事發時,該名保安人員威脅女事主跟著他,否則將對她不利,後者惟有乖乖隨從;You read this from 接著,保安人員把事主帶到偏遠地區,企圖強姦她時發現事主月事來潮而作罷,但仍非禮女事主一番才逃離。 據瞭解,警方相信該保安人員是在該區工作,目前正積極尋找此人的下落。

Foyce Le Xuan 乐轩 reports police on Jack Neo 梁志强 sexual harassment

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

As reported in the news, the "young grass no 2" Foyce Le Xuan 乐轩 is going to report to the police on Jack Neo regarding the sexual harassment. This is after Jack Neo says that, those young girls accuse him without any proof. So Le Xuan is going to show the police those SMS.


乐轩表示,她的牧师告诉她,是时候封口,不再针对此事发言,但她认为,她有必要证明自己所说的都是事实。因此,乐轩决定在今天到警局报警备案。 “我会让警方看梁智强寄给我的简讯,但我不晓得他们能帮助我多少,例如:是否能查到原先发简讯给我的,是否真的是梁智强。”


14 yr-old girl - sex with bf and his friends!

Monday, March 15, 2010

There are two cases involves girls only 14 years old, though they did it willingly, but still under the law, the guys are treated as rape. 14 seems young, I think just like the girl in the photo above.

In the first cases, this girl 14 years-old let her boyfriend (16 year old) into her house when her parents not in. Then another day, her boyfriend bring her to meet his friend, who are 18 and 24 years-old and share with the girl with his friend.

In the second cases, another girl of 14 years-old and her 17 years-old boyfriend have sex in the bush, while on the way home. Need to be so rush??













Girl get molest during national service in Malaysia

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A 17 year old girl that is having her national service is being molested by medical staff. That is because she got stomach pain due to her period. Then this medical staff touched her breast and her private part to "check out". Below is the news in Chinese.








“该医药助理过后也向警方报案,自称是依据普通的医药程序检查受害者。 ”

Jack Neo Official Letter of Apologise

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jack Neo issues Letter of Apologise on his blog. He says he deserves it, it is his 报应. And sorry for what he did.






有一句话说:「人种的是什么,收的也是什么。」以前经常用这句话来当台词强化情节,没想到这次竟然应验在自己的身上,“人在做,天在看”, 千万不要不相信报应,也千万不要以为躲在黑暗的地方做坏事“天”就看不到,我的下场足以证明。






Jack Neo get "special massage service" from a transsexual

One Singapore famous transsexual 赖美琪 says Jack Neo has received her massage with special service, and he is fully naked. She works in one massage spa in orchard. She and other colleagues all provide special service. And most of their customer are guys, who aim for the special service rather than massage. Jack Neo is a regular there during 1998, massage for 2 to 3 times a week!





As reported in

Singapore girl sexy photos taken at Hotel 81 leaked

If you think that after Jack Neo, the life will be boring, then I can assure you it is not. The famous Gutter shows a set of photos, who is a Singapore girl, dressing in very sexy underwear in Hotel 81.

There are 3 set of different underwears, so believe these were taken over 3 days. And pay attention to the mark on her left arm, you will see more at her photos in her facebook.

So hurry up, before she shut down her facebook.

Jack Neo and wife Irene Kng’s press conference on 11 March 2010: video + script

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The press conference at 10 am 11 March at at 东方天蝎大楼 is full of reporters and photographers. Jack Neo’s manager says that this will be the one and only press conference given by Jack and here will be no further comments or Q&A. Jack and his wife arrived holding hands together. Everything is caputred by a great blog with original content at Temasek Review. But check also the 2nd video, where you can see Jack Neo's wife is fainted when she is leaving.

Jack Neo:

“Dear friends of the media, thanks for your concern over the last few days. I would like to stress that all that had happened is solely the fault of mine and does not involve anybody else. I feel very fortunate today that my wife has forgiven me…..(broke down and cry). My wife has suffered more pain than any woman in this world. I am very sorry for what has happened. This is my last time speaking to the media.”

Irene Kng:

“I do not know how to handle the media…..(crying as she spoke). All I want to say is that I have forgiven Jack. I treasure Jack Neo, my marriage and my children. I have been hurt alot. I ask the media to let us off and give us some space and your blessings. Thank you.”

Jack Neo even try to eat a 16-year old western girl

Just reported Jack Neo's wife sayang him like a baby. Unfortunately, this "baby" likes to be sayang by a young girl, like this 16-year old France girl 玛依烈. That happens during 2004, while she was just 16. Jack Neo invites her go to hotel after knowing her for 5 weeks. He called her "dear", and even invite her to join his Jteam.

一名法國女子自爆,梁智強在她16歲時曾對她示好,頻頻邀到酒店一起吃晚餐!現年21歲的學生Maelle Meurzec透露,她在2004年時試鏡成功,在《愛都愛都》中獲得一個餐廳顧客的角色,在戲中出現5秒。

她稱,初次見面時,梁智強就將手搭在她的肩膀上,她不以為意,認為梁智強是在表達親切。拍完戲後的2個星期,梁智強的公司「J Team」聯絡她好幾次,希望她簽約,但因為不想成為演員,Maelle拒絕了。不過,在第3個星期,梁智強傳了簡訊給她,問她最近如何。


不過,在初次見面後的第5個星期,梁智強開始以想幫她規劃演藝事業為由,邀請她去酒店吃晚餐。 Maelle說:『你不能就這樣邀請一個16歲女生吃飯!這蠻不好的。』Maelle指,她的母親建議兩人可以喝咖啡,或在公司見面,但梁智強不答應。拒絕了一次後,梁智強不甘心,再送出3封簡訊。最誇張的是2004年的聖誕節,梁智強傳簡訊說他希望兩人可以在一起。



Full interview of Jack Neo's wife over phone: sayang him like a baby

After the affair of 50 year-old Jack Neo 梁智强 and 22 year-old model Wendy Chong Jia Yan 钟佳燕 being exposed, Jack Neo's wife starts to speak: "I sayang him like a baby". And read below for the full interview.

新加坡導演梁智強婚外情 妻子康美鳳電話受訪內容





























★梁妻︰你說呢?報紙天天寫……不是有記者跑去我們家嗎?孩子都看到了。(婚外情在上週五(3 月5日)爆發後,有媒體徹夜守候在智強巴西立的住家外,當時智強夫婦不在,只有孩子和女傭在家。)
























Jack Neo No 6 嫩草 is from Thailand, but call him as 怪伯伯

Slowly, more and more girls are identify. Yesterday just say there are 11 girls, now the number 6 is identify as a Thai producer. This girl is so special, Jack Neo describes her as skin like Fann Wong 皮膚雪白如范文芳、nose like 肉肉的鼻子又似鍾琴、mouth like 小巧的嘴型像歐萱. But for the girl, Jack Neo is a weird uncle 怪伯伯.








Malay girl forced to take sex video naked by 10 guy friends

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reported in the Sinchew, a 17 year old Malay girl is forced by her male friend to take a sex video naked. And this happens two years ago, that is why she is waiting for her PMR results out. She remembered that day, after work, she and A GROUP of male friend go out walk around. But she was brought to an empty house, where there were 10 guys.

At that time, she felt like to pee, so she pee, but she discovered someone is recording the process of her peeing. She confronted them, but they tell her, either she get naked or have her peeing video upload online. So she get naked, and let them molest, after that, they give her RM10 for her to get back home.

2 years later then only she talks about this..... what the hell..... any one see the video?












Jack Neo may has 11 girls, one from 七寶貝?

Jack Neo involved with 11 women. But there are several version right now, besides the first two: Wendy Chong and Foyce Le Xuan are confirmed. There are now reports of at least nine other women who were involved with Jack Neo at some point in time. However, there are several version for the rest of the 11 girls. One is English version and another Chinese version. Which to believe, up to you.....

According to sources in the entertainment industry, there was even a popular singer and a hotel staff among them, and their age ranges from 20 to 40. Here are the list of women according to Shin Min Daily News.

Woman #1: Wendy Chong, 22, model
She exposed their two-year affair and Jack Neo has admitted to this relationship. His wife has also admitted to knowing about their affair.

Woman #2: Foyce Le Xuan, 25, artiste
She has been invited by Jack to meet him at a hotel, only to reject him. She also received mushy text messages from him, but chose to terminate her contract with J Team to avoid any contact with him.

Woman #3: Former popular singer, in her 30s
It is alleged that this woman and Jack are very close, and use terms of endearment such as "dear" and "darling" in their text messages to each other. This singer has even acted in one of his movies. She has since left Singapore's entertainment circle.

Woman #4: Hotel staff, in her 30s
Jack allegedly met this woman while filming in Kuala Lumpur. In order to get closer to him, this woman is said to have given up her job in KL in order to move to Singapore to be closer to him. He is also said to have recommended her to work in a hotel in Singapore.

The woman is understood to be married with one daughter, but keeps in touch with Jack and exchanges affectionate text messages with him.

She is the only woman that Jack is said to be involved with who does not have any dealings with the entertainment industry.

Woman #5: Past participant in artiste classes held by J Team, in her 20s
This woman is said to be pretty with long flowing hair. In order to get into the entertainment circle to fulfil her dreams of stardom, she joined Jack's artiste training classes and subsequently appeared in many variety shows, where she got to know Jack.

They are said to chat frequently online, and their topics invariably verge on sleaze.

She is also said to have an agreement to date him exclusively.

Woman #6: Screenwriter, in her 40s
She is said to have worked on one of Jack's previous movies, and enjoys a warm, affectionate relationship with the director.

Industry insiders reveal that they often discuss about sex topics online, and converse with each other often over the Internet. This was also confirmed by freelance model Wendy Chong.

The woman is said to be married with a child.

Because of the expose, she is unable to focus at work and has been performing badly.

Woman #7: Past participant in artiste classes held by J Team, in her 20s
She has appeared in Money No Enough 2 and Being Human, both movies by Jack Neo.

It is alleged that she went on a trip to Thailand with Jack after filming wrapped up on Money No Enough 2.

Woman #8: Past participant in artiste classes held by J Team, 26
When artistes were being let go by J Team, she was the only one who was allowed to stay. Although there were no new jobs or acting roles, she continued to stay on with the J Team.

In her interview with Shin Min Daily News, the woman said that since she had a full-time job with them, she did not think of leaving, and would take on jobs as and when there were any.

She had previously appeared in Just Follow Law and Being Human, and had also appeared in many of Jack's variety shows.

Woman #9: Former bit actress on the silver screen, 25
Considered Jack's lackey by members of Jack's production team, as she would follow him where ever he went. She was originally signed on by Jack to be a singer, but as her relationship with Jack was very good, she would most certainly get a part in almost all of his variety shows. She does not refuse his advances and would hitch a ride from him home after every show ended.

Woman #10: Past participant in artiste classes held by J Team, 20

She is viewed by industry insiders to be scheming and was very eager to rise to popularity, so she threw herself into his arms willingly.

It is understood that she did not refuse his advances towards her, and would not try to hide from him.

Woman #11: Jack's former staff, in her 40s
Their relationship was discovered by Jack's wife. His wife also instructed all members of the J Team not to mention her English name, but to refer to her as "Miss X".

Jack's wife also found someone else to replace this woman at work and fired her.







但根據圈內人揭露的內幕,直指梁智強「花名冊」中,一共有11個女性的名字,甚至包括當紅一線女星,以及酒店服務員。 這名與「梁家班」來往多年的圈內人指出,梁智強在自己的片廠就是國王,幾乎到了為所欲為的地步,只要是女性他都有興趣,也採取「亂鎗打鳥」的方式來獵艷。













1、答應為她量身定做好角色;2、邀她到攝影棚觀摩「搞笑行動」的錄影;3、邀她出席「搞笑行動」的題材構思活動;4、穿針引線將她介紹給「新傳媒電視」(MediaCorp TV);5、安排她參加一些尋星節目。









2年前,梁智強曾力捧7位青春少艾的美少女 (figure above),統稱「梁家班」的「七寶貝」。當時,受訪就表示,「梁家班」除了「飛禽走獸」,眼見偶像劇當道,他就積極栽培多名青春無敵的俊男美女,方便未來開拍偶像電影,進軍年輕人市場。









Jack Neo 梁志强 promises Foyce Le Xuan 乐轩 as Fann Wong No 2

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A second woman has come forward with allegations about popular local film-maker Jack Neo (picture), claiming that she was sexually harassed by him about five years ago.

In the latest apparent revelations, Ms Foyce Le Xuan, 25, told Lianhe Wanbao on Monday that Mr Neo had wooed her aggressively and even allegedly booked a room at a hotel so they could "get to know each other better", but she did not turn up.

Ms Le told the paper she was 20 when she signed up as an artiste with Mr Neo's entertainment group in 2004. The film-maker had initially offered to give her a lift home; she lived in Tampines, he in Pasir Ris.

But soon after, she claimed, he hit on her, promising to groom her into "Fann Wong No 2". "I was just a small girl ... When he held my hand tight, I didn't even dare to resist," she told Wanbao.

He would also allegedly send her up to 30 SMSes a day and ring her up late in the night, the evening daily reported. Ms Le, whose boyfriend broke up with her because of the frequent rides she hitched with the director, said she was afraid to fall out with Mr Neo as her career was vital to her.

Ms Le said she was spurred to go public after reading about Ms Chong's story and wanted to prevent further such incidents.

Foyce Le Xuan, an actress-singer, 25, told Shin Min Daily News and The New Paper in separate interviews that Neo, a Cultural Medallion winner and father of four, pursued her passionately for a year, promising to groom her into the second Fann Wong of Singapore.

All this while while his wife was pregnant with their fourth child.

Le, who signed up as an artiste with Jack's management company, J Team, in 2004, met Neo six years ago when she won a talent competition organised by J team, beating more than 1,000 contestants. She then signed a three-year contract with J Team.

Le believes she's not the only one Neo had hit on. A model who auditioned for him later told Le that he had SMSed her to say he missed her. A member of Neo's staff also warned her not to fall into this trap after he accidentally saw an SMS from Neo to her.

He told her Neo has a history of flirting with women, including one woman staffer who later left the company. All these as reported in Straits Times.

Want to know more about Le Xuan? Add her at facebook:

Or see her photo album at:!/profile.php?v=photos&id=676608259

Singapore guy raped ex-girlfriend's mum

Anything is possible in this world, even for Singapore such a small country. This guy rape his ex girlfriend's mom! Yes, he has the mother and dauther. And not only that, it lasts for 6 hours!

For six hours, a 27-year-old man tormented the mother of his former girlfriend whom he had bound and gagged. He finished by raping her in her bed, and helped himself to $100 from her wallet and her cellphone before leaving the scene.

The fast-food delivery man was yesterday jailed for 25 years and ordered to be given the maximum 24 strokes of the cane for his relentless attacks on the 48-year-old divorcee. The court heard that he had already broken up with the victim's daughter, but had continued visiting her and her mother.

Wendy Chong videos on her blog shows you the jelly she made

Usually girls just post their photos on her blog, but Wendy put videos too. Seems like she is determined to be a movie star, and for sure, this Jack Neo is the one she should be looking for. Check out some of her videos posted on her blog as below:

And here's a silly video of me. my friend is trying to capture what exaggerate expressions i have. and they started to forward the video among themselves just now. i find it quite fun too! hahahaha. that's what you do when you are boring waiting for your food to arrive.

even video function is a boo-boo. i know i look super geek at home, but, you will love the jelly i make! haha.

Wendy Chong "I am not Stupid" - says she not AV star

On Friday, October 30, 2009, Wendy Chong wrotes in her blog that someone email her, and ask for her photo (just the body with nice figure and no face), and the guy will pay her $10. Wendy Chong called this guy stupid, as she is not "super super super super super cheap AV star"!

To that guy, above got one photo for you, why not you send me $10. Photos without face, you can simple get from anyone, must have face then have the value!

Below is her original blog:

My E71 is not working anymore!!! :(((( humrrrrr

It's suddenly not working one loh.... my itchy hand wanted to switch the sim card from my sony ericsson hp, and then when i switch on back my E71, it can't be ON anymore..................................

what to do.....!!!

Went to Solmart yesterday, and brought the Spaghetti Ramen and seaweeds~ im a big lover for seaweeds! and the spaghetti is very very very nice!

received this stupid Email, im pasting here so i can spam his email! $10 per photo?..... Unless im a super super super super super cheap AV star lor!

Jack Neo's wife should read Wendy Chong this post

Monday, March 8, 2010

In Wendy Chong blog, she wrote she went to Batam on 20 Dec 2009. Maybe Jack Neo's wife should take a look at his passport, see if he is having a "business trip" or "movie shooting" at Batam! Look all the way to the last photo.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
back from Batam, some photos to share....

Did Jack Neo build sand castle with her daughter before? Anyway, Wendy age is somehow similar to his daugther!
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